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FBM News Service Subscriptions

The Fresh Brewed Media Financial News Service is an XML news feed of all our financial stories produced every trading days. On most days we publish over 1,000 stories. The basis for all Fresh Brewed Media’s content is grounded in methodical exhaustive research systems and procedures used by our analysts who are equipped with an intelligent set of market analysis tools to give them a commanding view of the markets and potential investment opportunities. Our unique approach has a bias to actionable news, alerts, strategies and ideas that leverage the benefits of hedged investments to reduce risk while maximizing potential profit. It is a conservative approach that makes our content unique compared to any other financial information provider.

Our people and systems are finely tuned to meet the demands and deadlines of the dynamic financial markets. We use a team approach to covering the market so resources can be focused where the need is at any one moment in the trading day. Our analysts provide content that goes out to over 3,000 news, financial, and brokerage sites. Our key partners are Standard & Poor’s along with various brokers such as optionsXpress and Think or Swim.

We offer flexible subscription levels starting at $500 per month. Due to the sensitive nature of this type of investment information, we limit the number of clients so all clients can get the maximum benefit possible. The table below shows the current client level availability.

Member Type


Monthly Fee



$   500

Subscriptions Available




None Available




None Available

Contact Us Contact our newsroom, customer support, or sales if you’re interested in our Bronze service or to get on the waiting list for Silver or Gold Level. (Waiting time could be one year or more.)
About Us Find out more about the Fresh Brewed Media Financial News Service.